Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Background and Politics in John Milton`s Paradise Lost

Milton has dramatic vision of God in history, re-creating the key stories of Scripture. Once an active participant in the political turmoil of seventeenth-century England, he now asserts in Paradise Lost â€Å"Eternal Providence† that transcends not only his contemporary England but also the sinful works of men in history. Milton finds the will of God, not in the reformation of the political world, but in the spiritual reformation of each individual. Thus he becomes a prophet, seeing the things invisible and proclaiming the values that are eternal.Recent critics have called attention to Milton's view of history reflected in his Paradise Lost. They tend to lay much emphasis on his political awareness to see spiritual aspects that underlie Milton's poetic imagination. Christopher Hill (1978), for example, stresses the importance of a historical approach to Milton's Paradise Lost. Hill connects Milton's ideas, or even his theology, to the political circumstances of seventeenth-ce ntury England.For Hill, it is astonishing if Paradise Lost is not about politics; he calls it â€Å"a different type of political action from those which have failed so lamentably† (67). It is true, that Milton's concern with political circumstances is an important element that enables him to perform his role as a prophet and to participate in the historical process with a prophetic vision of teaching and correcting his contemporaries. Paradise Lost is obviously political poem. The text conceals the historical traces of its own composition so skilfully that readers are likely to forget its political significance.While Paradise Lost was evidently composed over the long period before and after the Restoration, it saw new political problems in post-revolutionary society. Among Milton's three major poems, the brief epic thus addressed itself most specifically to the Restoration audience. The purpose of this paper is to historicise Paradise Lost as a Restoration poem in order to p ropose a new political way of reading the epic. No English writer dealt more directly with Eden lost and redeemed than John Milton, and this work analyses his uses of Paradise to express his ambivalence about empire.After the establishment of Puritan Massachusetts in 1630, British colonial energies (and Milton's) were absorbed by internal conflicts through the civil wars of the 1640s and into the Interregnum of the 1650s—an introversion brought to an end by Oliver Cromwell in 1654—1656 with his unilateral Western Design against Spanish America. However much Paradise Lost (1667) reveals Milton's double-mindedness about such designs, there can be little doubt that the highwater mark of Miltonic anti-imperialism is found in Paradise Regain'd (1671).It is in this brief epic that heroism is most fully reimagined along Augustinian and humanist lines. Here Jesus, Christendom's moral model, rejects first the temptations of patriotic conquest and, beyond these, the temptations of universal virtue. Therefore, Milton's poetic message is for his contemporary England. Even though Milton as a poet-prophet does not ignore the situations in which he is placed, the message he delivers in Paradise Lost contains a spiritual meaning that transcends the political and temporal world of his time.A similarity between Milton and Isaiah can be found in their pursuit of the timeless truth that God is our salvation. Isaiah foresees that truth in the future history of Israel, while Milton sees it in Adam's historical preview, which is also a historical review for Milton. With regard to Isaiah's prophetic vision, Hobart Freeman argues that â€Å"Not every prophecy needs to be traced to a definite contemporary historical situation, nor directly applicable to the generation to whom it is spoken.†If we apply this to Milton's poetic work, Milton â€Å"speaks from an ideal, future standpoint as if it were the present or past† (166). Milton clearly demonstrates his ro le as prophet in the last two books of Paradise Lost by immersing himself in future events in order to allow Adam a vision of the restoration of man from his fallen state. Paradise Lost deals with God's handling of human affairs in history, and out of that context, delivers the spiritual message to the individual man. The first is the revelation of divine truth, the second the illumination of the mind.Milton presents in Paradise Lost two important aspects of God's purpose: first, God's macrocosmic purpose in history, and second, His microcosmic purpose in each individual soul. These two elements, historical and spiritual, are essential components of the poem. Milton in his writings shares the fundamental outlook that traces its roots to the ideology of holy war. In the case of the Civil Wars, this occurrence is only natural considering the extent to which the Civil Wars were looked upon as holy wars both by those who upheld in battle the cause of God against the king and by those wh o inculcated holy war ideology into the warriors.It is no accident that the War in Heaven is conceived as a civil or â€Å"Intestine War† (6. 259). In this sense, Abdiel, that most outspoken of nonconformists, refers ironically to himself as a â€Å"dissenter† and to the host of God as â€Å"sectarians† (6. 145-47). Milton saw no contradiction in the fact that as one who supported the rebellion against God's so-called vicegerent on earth, he could write an epic portraying the evils of rebelling against God's true â€Å"Vice-gerent† in Heaven (5. 609).Milton's celestial battle transcended the conflicts of Milton's own time and expressed the larger conceptions of holy war, conceptions that are both cosmic and apocalyptic. The historical orientation of Paradise Lost in the political context of Restoration society requires a juxtaposition of the brief epic not so much with Milton's political pamphlets before the Restoration, like Eikonoklastes (1649) or The R eadie and Easie Way (1660). Paradise Lost is historically in closer proximity to Of True Religion than to any other polemical piece of the author.With all their generic differences, the two works, sharing the plain style peculiar to the Restoration Milton, were published in a crucial period before and after the Declaration of Indulgence in 1672, when Restoration society was groping for a new direction after the lapse of the Clarendon Code which had imposed public regulations on the matter of private faith. Paradise Lost appeared when Milton's contemporaries were eager to settle the developing issue of the relationship between the public and private spheres in Restoration society.And should I at your harmless innocence Melt, as I do, yet public reason just, Honor and empire with revenge enlarged By conquering this new world, compels me now To do what else though damned I would abhor. —Satan, John Milton, Paradise Lost 4. 388—92 Whoever fights monsters should see to it t hat in the process he does not become a monster. —Friedrich Nietzsche, Beyond Good and Evil 4. 146 In October 1568, 114 English seamen, their ship badly damaged by a battle in the Gulf of Mexico, voluntarily stranded themselves on the coast of the Yucatan peninsula.They stepped ashore into what would become forthe British one of their most luridly imagined hells: a howling tropical jungle, steaming with disease, crawling with exotic vermin, peopled with fierce tribesmen, and, worst of all, governed by Spaniards. Fifteen years later one survivor, Miles Philips, landed back in England alone, bearing on his body the marks of chains, the rack, and the lash, and bearing in his mind the kind of stories that haunt the hearer's sleep. These stories, which further blackened the already â€Å"Black Legend† of Spain, he recorded for Richard Hakluyt, who included them in his 1589 Principal Navigations (9:398—445).We cannot adequately understand the British Empire or its lit erary productions unless we see them in the tremendous Spanish shadow that loomed so large at the empire's birth. Paradoxically, Spain's empire very nearly made British expansion impossible, and yet it created conditions that made British imperialism feasible. Furthermore, Spanish threats made English colonization seem materially necessary; and above all, Spanish atrocity made the English response seem—to most Protestant imaginations, at least—spiritually righteous.Indeed, Spain menaced the English Protestant imagination far longer than it menaced the English nation. As a case in point, this work examines one of the enduring literary fruits: that encyclopedic piece of Protestant imagining known as Paradise Lost. Composing 150 years after Las Casas first compared the conquistadors to demons, and nearly a century after the last serious Spanish threat to English interests, John Milton nevertheless chose to compare his Prince of Darkness to a conquistador. Throughout his e pic, Milton amplifies Satan's audacity and atrocity with frequent, implicit parallels to Cortes's conquest of Mexico.These Spanish inflections afforded Milton special means to demonize the Devil. They also suggest the degree to which the British were able to transmute their own daunting imperial liabilities into ideological advantages and virtues. Many parallels between the Satanic and Iberian enterprises in Paradise Lost involve basic matters of setting and plot. David Quint has looked for analogues mainly to Portugal and the East, demonstrating that Satan's voyage in books 2 and 3 parodies Vasco da Gama's discovery of the sea route to India, as rendered by Luis de Canoens in Os Lusiadas.But Milton's allusions to Spain's western discoveries are equally suggestive. These begin with Satan's commission in Pandemonium. Speaking under the Vatican-like dome of Hell's capital, his lieutenant Beelzebub climaxes the hellish consult by proposing the â€Å"easier enterprise† (2. 345) o f an attack on the â€Å"happy isle† (2. 410) of this â€Å"new world† (2. 403). †¦ here perhaps Some advantageous act may be achiev'd By sudden onset: either with Hell fire To waste his whole Creation, or possess All as our own, and drive as we were driven, The puny habitants, or if not drive, Seduce them to our Party †¦ (2. 362—68) Beelzebub envisions a kind of geopolitical coup, one that we can recognize as analogous to Spain's American outflanking of its Islamic and Christian rivals at the end of the fifteenth century (Hodgkins 66). Also, while Satan the navigator may resemble da Gama and Columbus, as a traveler he is even more like the wily Cortes. There is more at work in Satan's successful voyage than mariner's luck, skill, and perseverance; there is also, most essentially, interpersonal guile.In his crucial negotiations at the frontiers guarded by Sin, Death, and Chaos in book 2, Satan seems less like Columbus the earnestly persistent and more like Cortes the trickster. First of all, both Satan and Cortes opportunistically stoke the fires of resentment and dissension. Cortes's chaplain, Gomara, writes that, upon reaching the Mexican coast, Cortes found Montezuma's outlying imperial vassals ripe for rebellion and sought their aid and direction. The Indians of Cempoala and of Tlaxcala further inland were â€Å"not well affected to Mutezuma, but readie, as farre as they durst, to entertayne all occasions of warre with him† (Purchas 15. 509).Similarly, in Paradise Lost, Sin and Chaos, while nominally subject to God â€Å"th' Ethereal King† (2. 978), willingly receive Satan's flattering promises that his mission will yield rich booty and restore their rightful power and sovereignty over the realms lately possessed by the divine Emperor. â€Å"[I] shall soon return, † Satan assures his daughter and lover, Sin, â€Å"And bring ye to the place where Thou and Death †¦ shall be fed and fill'd / Immeasurab ly, all things shall be your prey† (2. 839—40, 843—44).Further on, Satan implores the personified Chaos to â€Å"direct my course, † for, he promises, Directed, no mean recompense it brings To your behoof, if I that Region lost, All usurpation thence expelled, reduce To her original darkness and your sway (2. 980—84). So Chaos blesses the venture and shows the way, and Satan wastes no time in launching out on the last leg of his journey to â€Å"this frail World† (2. 1030). After Satan's voyage and earthly landfall, Milton's reimagining of earth and Eden as an idealized western planting permeates the poem.Though he explicitly compares the â€Å"gentle gales† that â€Å"dispense / Native perfumes† to the exotic east of â€Å"Mozambic† and â€Å"Araby the blest† (4. 156—63 passim), aromatic breezes also announce the American shore: from Columbus's first scent of San Salvador and Hispaniola, to Michael Drayton' s Edenic Virginia and Andrew Marvell's imagined Bermudas, the west is also the land of spices (Knoppers 67). Yet Milton evokes not only pre-Columbian America's fragrant garden delights but also its golden and urban splendors.The conquistadors came west for treasure, and Satan has an eye for it as well—the â€Å"golden Chain† that Satan sees linking Earth to Heaven (2. 1051), the â€Å"potable gold† of Earth's rivers (3. 608), and especially the â€Å"vegetable gold† hanging from the Trees of Life and Knowledge (4. 218—20; 9. 575—78). Similarly, Cortes wonders at the Mexicans' â€Å"simplicitie† in undervaluing their abundant gold and touts it as a literally consumable elixir, telling Montezuma's emissary that â€Å"he and his fellowes had a disease of the heart, whereunto Gold was the best remedie† (Purchas 15. 507— 8).Similarly Satan, by claiming to have consumed the golden fruit, persuades innocent Eve in book 9 of its transformative powers (9. 568—612). However, when Satan first sees the Earth, Milton compares the view to a city, not to a garden, and the view is strikingly similar to the Spanish scout's first sight of the Mexican capital from the barren volcanic pass of Mount Popocatepetl, looking down on the cities glittering on Lake Texcoco. In Paradise Lost, the epic simile unfolds as Satan Looks down with wonder at the sudden view Of all the World at once.As when a Scout Through dark and desert ways with peril gone Obtains the brow of some high-climbing Hill, Which to his eye discovers unaware The goodly prospect of some foreign land First seen, or some renown'd Metropolis With glistering Spires and Pinnacles adorn'd, Which now the Rising Sun gilds with his beams (3. 542—44, 546—51). Likewise, in Gomara's words, Tenochtitlan and its sister cities were â€Å"an exceeding goodly sight. But when Cortes saw that beautiful thing, his joy was without comparison†¦. Whoeve r hath good eyesight might discern the gates of [Tenochtitlan].. . . These Towres [of the cities Coyoacan and Vizilopuchtli] are planted in the Lake, and are adorned with many Temples, which have many faire Towres, that doe beautifie exceedingly the Lake†¦. [and] many drawne Bridges built upon faire arches† (Purchas 15. 520—21, 522, 523). Even the roadways into Tenochtitlan and Eden are similarly convenient. Gomara writes that the Mexican capital was entered over â€Å"a faire calsey [causeway], upon which eight horsemenne may passe on ranke, and so directly straight as though it had been made by line† (Purchas 15.523). Likewise, Satan sees â€Å"A passage down to th' Earth, a passage wide† (3. 528). In terms of England's domestic affairs, Milton's return to poetry after 1660 was no mere quietism or withdrawal from politics, but rather, as Laura Lunger Knoppers has suggested, â€Å"a complex internalization of Puritan discipline that can carry on the Good Old Cause in the very theater of the Stuart monarchy. † Thus in Paradise Lost, Milton seeks to restore right reason with an eventual view to restoring right rule at home. In other words, his retreat is strategic.Similarly, beyond the domestic sphere, when Paradise Lost exploits colonial imagery so extensively so soon after the failure of Cromwell's â€Å"imperial republic, † Milton is not merely spiritualizing a language of defeated earthly hopes (Barnaby 56). Instead, he is practicing another kind of strategic retreat, engaging in what Blake aptly called â€Å"mental fight†Ã¢â‚¬â€stiffening the heart's sinews against all temporally and temporarily ascendant tyrannies, whether in the heart or at home or abroad. He is biding his time, the reader's time, the nation's time, serving by standing and waiting for Providence to show his hand.Like Cortes the conquistador, like the conquistadorial Satan, Milton knows that conquest, and reconquest, start with the sou l's invisible empire. And Milton never fully abandons his belief that war against flesh and blood has its place in the wars of the spirit. Works Cited Barnaby, Andrew. â€Å" `Another Rome in the West? ‘: Milton and the Imperial Republic, 1654—1670. † Milton Studies 30 (1990). Hill, Christopher. Milton and the English Revolution. New York, 1978. Hodgkins, Christopher. Reforming Empire: Protestant Colonialism and Conscience in British Literature.University of Missouri Press: Columbia, MO, 2002. King, James. An Introduction to the Old Testament Prophets. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1977. Knoppers, Laura Lunger. Historicizing Milton: Spectacle, Power, and Poetry in Restoration England. Athens: University of Georgia Press, 1994. Milton, John. Paradise Lost; Paradise Regained; Samson Agonistes. Collier Books: New York, 1962. Purchas, Samuel. Hakluytus Posthumus, or Purchas His Pilgrimes. 20 vols. Glasgow: James MacLehose and Sons, 1905—1907.

Non Verbal Communication Essay

Non Verbal Communication is the process of communicating without words. Non Verbal Communication refers to the messages sent through gestures, eye contact, facial expressions, and posture. We send many more non verbal messages than verbal messages. It is estimated that 50 to 90 percent of messages are non verbal. Non Verbal Communication has few rules and often occurs unconsciously, for instance while speaking we may throw our arms around; while listening a sudden shock may result in a sharp intake of breath. Such non verbal signals add impact to a meaning, and they combine to provide an instant impression in a way that written communication or telephone calls cannot. Actions of this sort are an important part of the communication process. We must be aware of the non verbal messages we send at all times. Careless use of the non verbal messages can send the wrong message. When listening to someone, observe his or her non verbal signals carefully and try to interpret them correctly. Messages communicated by different types of non verbal communication are listed below:GesturesGestures can both complement and contradict other forms of communication. For example, when one person tells another to turn â€Å"left† while pointing right, the gesture contradicts the spoken words. If a person both says to turn right and points right, the gesture complements the words. The gestures that we see in everyday business communication include a wide range of hand and arm movements. When examined in context, they may have specific meanings:Baton-like pointing movements of the hands and arms punctuate words and may communicate control. Finger wagging and arms crossed over the chest may be signs of disagreement. A hand or finger covering the mouth may indicate that the speaker is holding something back or is too embarrassed or reluctant to speak. Hands on the hips with thumbs back communicate toughness and a reluctance to back down. Counting off on fingers may be a sign of clear thinking and logic. Although gestures can be used deliberately to communicate honesty, self- confidence, straightforwardness and control, most are used unconsciously. Eye ContactWhen people look directly into each other’s eyes, they make eye contact. Eyes can send messages as well as receive information. Indeed, eye contact can be the most powerful form of Non Verbal Communication. In business, as in personal relationships, eye contact sends different messages. Purposefully looking at someone is a signal of recognition. Direct eye contact tells a job applicant that we are interested in learning more. Purposefully looking away from someone may be a sign of arrogance or anger. The length of time that eye contact is held has a message of its own. Eye contact with a stranger is instantaneous. More than a glance makes both parties uncomfortable. Maintaining eye contact with a person of the opposite sex for too long can mean sexual interest – an inappropriate business message. Extended eye contact between men who do not know each other is an implicit threat. By contrast, it is acceptable in public speaking to hold eye contact with audience members as a sign of involvement and engagement. Eye contact is the most difficult of all facial features to fake. Even subtle changes in contact and expression have the power to show strong feelings if interpreted correctly. Facial ExpressionsClosely linked to eye contact, facial expressions are movements of the face that reflect attitudes and emotions that often difficult to read. With the vast number of possible expressions, the speed at which they change, and the ability of most people to â€Å"mask† messages they do not want to send, all but the most obvious expressions may be misinterpreted. Psychologists have identified six emotions that are expressed facially in all parts of the world: happiness, sadness, anger, disgust, surprise, and fear. PosturePosture is the position of our body as we sit or stand. It can communicate strong non verbal cues. For example:Letting our head drop, leaning back and supporting our head with our hand expresses boredom. Adopting an â€Å"open† sitting posture, with our head and body to one side and legs uncrossed, often communicates agreement. Walking rapidly with our hands moving freely at our side may communicate confidence and goal orientation. References:

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Format For Case Study Assignment Essay

The exercise calls for an analysis of the external environment using appropriate strategic models and frameworks (such as the PESTEL Framework, Five Forces Framework and Industry life Cycle Model), which will be discussed at class lectures and tutorials. This section also requires the identification of the Critical Success Factors for the industry. Finally, deriving from external analyses, you should then discuss the likely opportunities and threats for the subject company. PART II Internal Analysis This section entails an internal analysis which is more specifically concerned with the company relative to its competitive environment. Here, models such as the Competency Framework, VRIN Framework and Value Chain Model can be used to analyse resources and competencies that currently exist for the company (and those which might further need to be addressed) in the pursuit of sustainable competitive advantage. The final part of this section calls for a comparative analysis of the company’s Internal Capabilities matched against the Critical Success Factors for the Industry (as previously identified by you in Part I). PART III Issues & Challenges Facing the Company This section involves providing a synopsis of the issues and challenges facing the subject company which should emerge from both the external and internal analyses. The focus here must be squarely on the current impediments/caveats the subject company is facing in its drive to remain competitive. PART IV Generation of Strategic Growth Options From this vantage point, you will then need to generate a number of Strategic Options (two or three) that the company could pursue in its efforts to continue to grow and develop (and in response to the issues and challenges identified in Parts I and II). The ANSOFF Matrix will be a useful analytical tool here. You should clearly describe each option and provide some rationalisation for your choice. PART V Evaluation of Strategic Growth Options. The purpose of this section is to evaluate each of the strategic growth options (previously identified by you in Part IV) using the SAF Framework. Please note that evaluation must comprise both evaluation criteria and a ranking mechanism in order to emerge with best option/(s) for the company it its pursuit of growth and development. It is not sufficient merely to state your results but rather you will need to provide good analytical justification for your chosen option/(s). PART VI Description of Selected Strategy You will now have selected a chosen strategic option/(s) from among the 2-3 previously selected. You now need to provide more detailed reasons why you have selected this option/(s) (making reference to the evaluation criteria and addressing environmental issues and concerns). Include some discussion of whether your selected strategic option is consistent with the subject company’s generic strategy. Your discussion must also involve an assessment of whether the subject company has the internal capabilities (or access thereto) to carry out this strategy successfully and the resources (or access thereto) required for successful implementation. Discuss also whether this strategy will provide real sustainable competitive advantage for the subject company and/or allow for its growth and development into the future. PART VII Conclusion Provide a brief summary of the major findings arising out of your analyses and leading on to your final recommendations for the chosen strategic option/(s). Include any caveats or challenges the company may face in trying to sustain a competitive advantage over its rivals.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Critically and comparatively examine the extent to which Virginia Essay

Critically and comparatively examine the extent to which Virginia Woolfe's 'to the lighthouse' and Alice Walker's 'The Colour Purple' reflects the changing role - Essay Example This emerging middle class gave birth to what has since been referred to as the Cult of the True Woman, coined first by Barbara Welter in the mid-1960s (1966), a set of ideas and beliefs regarding the proper structure of the quintessential American family. By the time the Victorian era reached America, the ideal middle class life was firmly established as consisting of a father going off to work and a mother who stayed at home and reared the children. â€Å"The onset of industrialization at the beginning of the nineteenth century highlighted differences among women just as it exacerbated those between men and women workers† (Kessler-Harris, 1991). Widows, single women and others flocked to the mill towns of New England, New York, Pennsylvania and New Jersey attracted by the relatively high wages that could be earned in the factories, but even this began to change as the factory owners began working to reduce costs, lowering wages and demanding more work. â€Å"In 1870, 60 per cent of all female workers were engaged in some aspect of domestic service and another 25 percent earned their livings in factories and workshops. Except for janitorial work, factory jobs were off-limits to black women. As late as 1900, when the proportion of white women in domestic service had dropped below 50 percent, most women of color supported themselves and their families with various forms of domestic service. Others participated in the agricultural work that continued to sustain the majority of black families† (Kessler-Harris, 1991). At the same time, the more prosperous married women were prevented from holding any kind of job, instead expected to uphold the traditional feminine values of piety, purity, submissiveness and domesticity. However, as shown in novels of the period such as Virginia Woolf’s To the Lighthouse and novels

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Savage Inequalities in American Schools Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Savage Inequalities in American Schools - Essay Example The huge amounts of garbage are burnt due to insufficient funds available for vacuuming out the garbage and inadequate manpower. Kozol also discovers that schooling has taken a backseat in the city with children simply not aware of their grades and their school timings. A group of children whom the author caught up narrate, in their innocent ways, incidences of violence and hate that is brewing across the city. East St.Louis also has a distinction of a highest number of fetal deaths in the whole of Illinois due to insufficient maternity care. In addition there is also the widely increasing number of children with dental problems, malnutrition and underimunized children. The city also witnesses constant closure of schools due to sewage overflow and has lain off several teachers which has had a devastating effect on the students. While the governor maintains that there is money flow within the community and it is not spent wisely, other government officials have said that it is quite i mpossible for the city to come out of the present circumstances on its own. The educational system has taken a beating with a large number of teachers being sent home with only sports and other vocational activities left for the children to take up. Even these facilities have been affected owing to insufficient funds and highly unsuitable working areas. The school labs do not have basic water facilities and teachers who are coping with what is available, mainly due to their interest to serve, have voiced that they feel truly deprived of the amenities that exists in modern schools. The facilities in a school regarded as a top school is no better either and one of the student even talks about the irony associated with a school named after Martin Luther King but which has only black children. Kozol draws a striking contrast between these schools and another school in New York where students have a comfortable space and good amenities and the teachers

Saturday, July 27, 2019

The role and function of the Front office in hotel Essay

The role and function of the Front office in hotel - Essay Example Hence, it is the duty of the front desk to inform the housekeeping department whenever new guests arrive (Rajput, 2013). In addition, the front desk also is the one that manages meetings, answer phones, make appointments, maintain record, and also make data entry as well as management of other communications (Rajput, 2013). In connection to this, to run a successful hotel business the front desk has to be run well because as stated they are the face the hotel. This is because they are the ones that receive the visitors hence they are the ones who determines the direction the business will take in the future (Rajput, 2013). The reserve section acts as a nerve center for the department. It is the section where all room reservation requests are received and then processed. Reservation is the act of booking rooms in advance, and most hotels rely on effective bedroom letting for profits. These reservations may be in the form of telex, letters, telegram, telephones, fax and emails (Kumar, 2013). Rajput, T. (2013, January 13). How important is Front Desk Management in a hotel business. Retrieved from

Friday, July 26, 2019

Examine the nature of popular protest in South Africa between 1969 and Coursework

Examine the nature of popular protest in South Africa between 1969 and 1990 - Coursework Example Adding oil to fire was the on-going recession which did not make things any better for the rural or migrant class in the region. This paper will be analyzing the aforementioned aspects, beginning with the political sphere and then shifting to the social front. With respect to the political status, Lodge has mentioned how ‘the body was not organizationally geared to undertake the urgent task of undertaking people’s war’ (Lodge, 1983) which is one of the major reasons behind the deterioration of the external mission’s leadership and politics. The formation of the said mission in 1960 was one of the four phases of the development of the external wing of the ANC. However, ‘it was criticized for isolating itself from the rank and file, and devoting too much time to international solidarity work.’ (Lodge, 1983) To begin with, exile movements in South Africa were faced with considerable barriers owing to the cordon sanitaire of colonial territories who were themselves engaged in counter-insurgent operations. Furthermore, in towns, influx control and the police stalled political activity, and this was coupled with the fear of new legislation and police powers. Despite this strict system of controls, guerilla movements and the course of Black resistance were successful mainly because of the ‘middle peasantry’ which proved to be fundamental to such undertakings. The success was also bolstered by their own ability to succeed in overcoming the innate complications of the exile environment itself. Here, it is necessary to point out the four different phases that the ANC went through: the establishment of an external mission in 1960, the shift in Congress leadership from within the country to outside it (owing to the arrest of its internal leadership), the collapse of the ANC/ZAPU joint operation and the reconstitution of the ANC as a major force South African black politics. With

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Key characteristics of the Australian media Essay

Key characteristics of the Australian media - Essay Example In the land down under, Australia also has its own way of letting media operate. Whether it is in the form of electronic, print, PR or media from the internet, Australian media adheres to its general guidelines. Publicly funded media companies in Australia are the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) and the Special Broadcasting Service (SBS), which broadcasts on television, the internet and the radio for free, as it strongly broadcasts public service. Other major players in the industry of broadcasting are: Publishing and Broadcasting Ltd., Australian Associated Press, John Fairfax Holdings, The Seven Network, APN News and Media, and many others shape the characteristics of Australian media in a way that media's most important public role is largely dependent on the game played by private corporations. Its increasing difficulty in being well regulated is affected by several factors including technological developments, ownership and control structure where media conglomerates f ollow the globalization trend and the contractual relationships between suppliers or information and entertainment and its viewers (Sampford & Lui 2004, p. 86-87). Apparently, broadcast... he ownership of a small media company has posed to be more complex than expected because the company establishes relationships with associations and other organizations which often belong under the same larger corporation resulting to a complicated intertwining of relationships. Due to this complication, cross-media ownership was decided to be given some limitations and so changes were proposed by the government in 1985, which created the Broadcasting Act of 1987 (Sheehan 2002, p. 4). This act limits the company's audience reach and the types of media it can own. Sheehan (2002, p. 4) stated that this act would support "competition policy, discourage concentration of media ownership in local markets and enhance public access to a diversity of viewpoints." Broadcasting Act of 1988 was enacted for radio broadcasting media which basically carries the same principles regarding ownership and control. Moreover, Broadcasting Act of 1989 contains amended provisions regarding cross-media owner ship of radio and television licenses. The limit on this type of ownership in on who gains control over the company based on the number of shares of stock owned. The Act also provides for the succession or chain of companies to exercise control over (Sheehan 2002, p. 4). The Broadcasting Services Act of 1992 gives a description on media ownership and control in which the act provides for individual ownership and control, cross-media ownership and control, and subscription television broadcasting licenses for foreign owners (Sheehan 2002, p. 3). Evidently, concerns on policy making with regards to ownership and control is mostly due on the nature and structure of Australia's broadcasting industry. In the field of print media, News Corporation is the dominant player in the

Outpatient civil commitment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Outpatient civil commitment - Essay Example This paper will focus on involuntary civil commitment. Outpatient civil commitment raises ethical and legal issues for the mental health practitioner. Ethical principles require that the decision to commit a patient requires that the clinician balance factors favoring commitment. Such factors include the patient’s welfare and safety, treatment to relieve pain, and the welfare and safety of others. Factors opposing commitment, for instance, individual liberty, patient privacy and the uncertainty of predicting future harm should also be considered by the mental health officer (Schopp, 2003). Ethical principles state that mental health officers who manage suicidal patients need to know the standards and procedures of civil commitment, whether inpatient or outpatient. In cases where commitment laws are strict and commitment is not easy to obtain, other management options must be pursued to obtain adequate treatment for a patient and to reduce the patient’s danger of experiencing more suffering (Schopp, 2003). Mental health officers are bound to be responsible for wrong decisions made. Whenever a clinician is in doubt, he or she should seek judicial review about the commutability of a potentially dangerous action towards the patient. The society defines the role of the clinicians in terms of professional responsibilities to patients. The clinician’s first duty is to do no harm to the patients. They can avoid harming patients by showing respect for their autonomy. Respect of autonomy may be manifested when the patient is allowed to make his/her own decision whether to reject or accept medical care that has been recommended by a medical officer. Acting without the patient’s approval is unethical. Clinicians are also bound by their professional obligations to help patients; doctors are required to provide patients with services that are geared towards benefiting them (Schopp, 2003). On the contrary, there are

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 3

Research Paper Example It is an undeniable fact that the world is increasingly multicultural. Due to the integrations of business and the growing globalization that defines the entire world economy, business faces a fundamental question of how they should define multiculturalism within their respective departments. The crux of this matter must necessarily be contingent upon to key factors. The first of these is with regards to what can be defined as a race and the second with what can be defined as ethnicity and culture. Although these two terms are invariably misconstrued to be one in the same, and appropriate and applicable level of understanding with respect to each of these is necessary with regards to defining an understanding the characteristics of what a truly multicultural organization must engender. Firstly, it must be understood that one of the more nebulous of the concepts which has been discussed above is necessarily that of race. Ultimately, race has been used as means of categorizing humans b y cultural, genetic, geographic, anatomical, linguistic, social, religious, or historical means (Goby, 2007). As a function of this, the very definition of race is something that sociologists and anthropologists continue to argue about. Due to the many determinants of race that exist, is oftentimes been decided that since no working and firm definition of what defines one and what defines another can readily be agreed upon, ethnicity, or the means by which an individual is defined as a result of culture and geographic origin, is a far better identifier of people. Broadly speaking, race, and racial definitions is something that the stakeholder must integrate with; whether or not they are of the opinion that such a definition is ultimately helpful. Due to the fact that the stakeholder is responsible not only for integrating directly with the society but also with explicating and defining the means by which past history has taken place and continues impact upon the stakeholders within the workplace, race is not a topic that can merely be brushed aside and deemed as a prior an unsuccessful method of grouping individuals (Pinder, 2009). The fact of the matter is that even as academia and society as a whole differs upon an approach and appreciation for such a concept, it remains incumbent upon the manager/supervisor to continue to place a level and degree of focus upon the importance that race necessarily engenders. Having a diverse representation of race within the workplace allows for the firm to be able to integrate with the perspectives and needs of an increasingly diverse consumer base (Usry & White, 2000). Moreover, by representing such a range of diversity within the firm, the multicultural aura of business and business competition will be bolstered to allow the firm to compete more effectively. Regardless of the potentially flawed an incomplete understanding and appreciation for how race impacts upon the individual and society that the workers within a parti cular industry might necessarily have, it is incumbent upon the manager/stakeholder to seek to distance himself/herself from any of these faulty pre-conceived and ultimately unscientific interpretations.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Initial Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Initial Report - Essay Example In this context, mathematics and especially algebra are regarded as having a significant role in the development of all aspects of human life mostly because of their use in several other sciences like physics, chemistry, medicine, astronomy and so on. In fact algebra is considered to be among the first sciences developed by human. Findings from ancient civilizations have proved the use of algebra in ancient times as a basic tool of commerce and astronomy. Through the years, the use of algebra has been extended to all industrial sectors. One of the periods that have been characterized by radical changes in sciences (including algebra) is Renaissance. During this period, the development of algebra reached extremely high levels offering the appropriate framework for the improvement of all other sciences related with algebra either directly or indirectly. This project has been divided in two main parts. In this context, in Chapter One all the details related with the choice of the subject (such as the statement of the problem, the research methodology and the reasons for choice of the project) are presented. The project is mainly developed in Chapter Two which has been divided into sub-sections in order to cover more effectively the issue under examination. In this context, in Chapter Two all particular aspects of algebra – as part of modern science - are presented while a short reference is made to the history of algebra in the pre-Renaissance period. Also, in Chapter Two the history of algebra after the Renaissance is analytically explained making primarily a short reference to the influence of Renaissance in algebra as it has been evaluated by historians of the particular period. Finally, in Chapter Three Conclusions and Recommendations on the subject under examination are made taking into account the characteristics of alg ebra as developed through

Monday, July 22, 2019

View from the bridge Essay Example for Free

View from the bridge Essay The first presentations of the pair highlight it already with Eddie coming in from work and Catherine calling to Beatrice who is working in the kitchen. [Calling to the kitchen] Hes here, B.! This immediately emphasises the roles and stereotypes of The womens place is in the kitchen. Which obviously Miller wanted to present. Miller further presents the masculine and feminine roles with Beatrice, once hearing that her cousins are arriving that evening, panics about the appearance of the home. I didnt even buy a new tablecloth; I was gonna wash the walls - I was gonna wax the floors, [she stands disturbed] Miller emphasise Beatrices frenzy to highlight the role of women in that time even more to the degree that the male role, [Eddie] has to come in and save the day. Youre savin their lives, whatre you worrying about the tablecloth? Its an honour, B. Suppose my father didnt come to this country and I was starvin like them over there and I has people in America could keep me a couple of months? The man would be honoured to lend me a place to sleep. Beatrice then wells up with tears, complementing Eddie with angel; Godll bless you; you get a blessing for this! This shows that Eddie is the one who knows how to straighten things up in home and put things back into order. The role of a male. Beatrice and Catherine lay and dish out the meal then once the meal has finished, clear and wash the dishes, All whilst Eddie sits down and watched the work been done. This is very typical of the 1950s men and women roles and Miller plays with them, making the masculine role more evident and solid. When Beatrice and Eddie are together there is sometimes an air of tension which appears in imply that there is lack of sex in the relationship. [There is a slight pause and Eddie turns to Beatrice who has been avoiding his gaze] Eddie: What are you mad at me lately? Beatrice: Whos mad? Eddie: What worries you got? Beatrice: when am I gonna be a wife again, Eddie? This shows that the relationship between the two isnt as strong as a married couple should be. Eddie isnt living up to his expectations of a man, and giving Beatrice the feeling of being a complete wife. Eddie replies with I aint been feeling good. They bother me since they came Beatrice then fires back saying that the cousins have only been there for a couple of weeks where as Eddie hasnt been feeling good for three months. Eddie then retreats to himself with I dont know B; I dont want to talk about it. Eddie doesnt want to make an effort with trying to resolve this. He doesnt want to make an effort with Beatrice and he doesnt want to make an effort with the relationship. This can be said be a male trait, that when theres trouble with the missus, the first reaction is to avoid the situation and shut off. Through this way Miller presents another illustration of masculinity. When it comes to Catherine it is realised that Eddie takes quite an interest in her. With her appearance, behaviour and general relationship, making an effort to keep her under his wing, and when this starts to go wrong, he fights harder and harder to keep her there through different ways. Its already seen in the beginning in the play that Eddie is very concerned with Catherine through her dressing. I think its too short he says about a dress. I dont like the looks theyre givin you in the candy store. And with them new high heels on the sidewalk- clack, clack, clack. The heads are turnin like windmills These remarks express the way a father figure would say, which is thought about Eddie at first, and these comments are only looked at in an overprotective way. But as the play goes on, and situations arise that make Eddie to express his unlawful, latent love for Catherine, Eddie becomes more protective and aware of Catherines actions. For example when Eddie relises that there is obviously chemistry between Rooldfo and Catherine, he tells her to go take off her heels, causing her embarresment and looking small infront of Roldofo. Whats the high heels for, Garbo? I figured for tonight- Do me a favour, will you? Go ahead.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Age Group And Types Of Music

Age Group And Types Of Music Music is known to be one of the most popular Arts in the world. A large number of people have grown up with it and majority of them are interested in learning an instrument as their hobby. Music is written in notation form consisting of scales, pitch, elements and etc. Now days, there are varieties of artist introduced around the globe every year. Each and every company/record has their own secrets in composing their songs. All those songs come in huge quantities of different genre of music, but the most common ones we know would probably be hip-hop, rock, pop and jazz. However, people have their own preferable genre that theyd like to listen to. Music has become an important part of peoples daily life. I have chosen this topic because myself, I am a musician and music is my passion. I have listened to all kinds of music and I have noticed that as Im maturing, the style of music I listen to tend to change. Due to this reason, I became very curious and determined to observe / find out from people at different age group about the types of music they enjoy listening. Predictably, teenagers are likely enticed to hip hop and rock music. On the other hand, elders can possibly be into softer or happy sort of music, for instant; jazz, blues, country, classical. Anyhow, that was just my hypothesis. The result will come to know after I have conducted surveys / interviews and all data is collected. The forecast can be proven wrong. Methodology / Planning In this project, Ill carry out surveys and questionnaires with students, teachers and other people outside school to find out if there is any correlation between age group and types of music they listen to. The information obtained can be different depending on peoples perspective. The research will be conducted in a way, where I will be interviewing 100 people from both male and female side. Afterwards, the result will be compared and present on graphs. For further calculation and sophisticated math method, Ill be using box whisker plot to determine the average answer of each questions and the Chi square test to find out if two factors are independent. Sample questions to be asked: The type of music different age group listen to How many people tend to play instruments these days When do people normally listen to music Which technology do they use to listen to music Which instrument do they like most How often do they listen to music And etc. Moreover, people have different thoughts and feelings towards music. This data can be gathered as well. Content Introduction - 2 Methodology/Planning 3 Questionnaire 5 6 Observation/Calculations 7 18 Box and Whisker Plot - 15 THE  Ã‚ £2 TEST (chi square test) 16 -18 Conclusion - 18 19 Acknowledgement 19 Bibliography 19 Questionnaire Name: Age: Sex: What music genre do you listen to most? Pop/Rock Metal Jazz/Blues/Country Classical/Romantic/Acoustic Hiphop/RB Techno/Electro Do you play any musical instrument? Yes No Which instrument do you prefer listening to? Piano Violin Guitar Drums Woodwind (flute, trumpet, saxophone etc.) Tabla Sitar Which (devices) technology do you use to listen to music? Ipod/Itouch Mp3 player Mobile phone Radio CD player Labtop When do you normally listen to music? Sad/Depressed Happy/Hyper Working Nervous Bored How often do you listen to music? Always Most of the time Sometimes Rarely What is your thought towards music? Beautiful Entertaining Rubbish Boring Creative Why do you listen to music? Inspiration Enjoyment To fit in Relaxation Observations and Calculations Q1. 10-15 16-20 21-28 29-35 36-Above Pop/Rock 7 13 4 4 1 Metal 4 4 1 0 0 Jazz/Blues/Country 1 1 2 0 4 Classical/Romantic/Acoustic 1 1 2 5 10 Hiphop/RB 2 12 6 2 1 Techno/Electro 4 4 2 3 0 As the graph shows that there are different preferences, among the different age groups. At 10-15 years of age, majority of people are into Pop/Rock because of the reason that this genre has a catchy melody with simple and understandable lyrics, which allows young teens to easily get in touch with the music. This type of music is typically known as guitar-based songs. At the age of 16-20, a large number of people still enjoy listening to Pop/rock. However, the trend has changed over the past couple of years, where many teenagers are influenced and enticed to hip hop and RB. Many albums from various artists has released, producing unique kind of music, that can make people get on their feet and dance along. The music is created by using a program to innovate rhythm and beats, rather than using the instruments. The lyrics will require words rhyming and slangs, which you dont see it often in other genre. This is why, it is ranked second. Eventually, hip-hop and RB has become the most favorite types of music for the people between 21 28 years old. As you get older, the style of music you listen to tend to change. Metal and Techno/Electro officially disappeared. Pop/Rock and Hip hop is slowly fading on the graph. Elderly people mostly appreciate softer and happier sort of music such as romantic, jazz, blues and acoustic, where they will not be hearing unnecessary loud noises and the music is able to put them in the condition of relaxation. Q2. 10-15 16-20 21-28 29-35 36-Above Yes 12 19 6 3 6 No 7 16 11 11 10 These days, bands and musicians have produced great music that captures a lot of teens attention. This has persuaded and turned into a challenge to many teenagers, to learn an instrument and become like their idol and also to play/compose the music they like. This is why a huge quantity of people from 10 -20 years old is able to play an instrument. Anyhow, there are very few people from age of 21 and above that has knowledge and ability to play an instrument. The reason being is that in the old time, to study an instrument means to chose their path and career as a musician, which was tough back then to become successful. So, not many people were interested to spend their money on any instrumental lessons just as a hobby. Q3. 10-15 16-20 21-28 29-35 36-Above Piano 3 10 5 4 6 Violin 1 3 2 1 3 Guitar 11 14 5 5 4 Drums 4 6 5 2 0 Woodwind 0 1 0 0 2 Tabla 0 0 0 2 1 Sitar 0 1 0 0 0 Within the age group of 10 20, the most common instrument that people likes listening to is guitar. Guitar comes in variety of shape and style, for instant, acoustic, classic, electric. They are able to fit in all genres, from soft music to hard rock. This is the blend that entertains people. Drums are another instrument that is heard in many songs. It is popular as a loud and noisy percussion but if you know how to play it properly, it is very essential in the band, as it is the instrument that keeps the beat in time. According to the age group of 21 years and above, people desire to listen to more of classical instruments. Ranked in number one the graph, along side with guitar would be piano. Piano has become the most appealing instrument that produces an amazingly beautiful and peaceful sound. This is the preferable instrument for the elderly people, who enjoy pure music. Violins and woodwind instruments are also incredibly pleasing to hear for this age group. Q4. 10-15 16-20 21-28 29-35 36-Above Ipod/Itouch 15 18 7 1 1 Mp3 player 2 4 1 2 0 Mobile phone 1 5 7 2 2 Radio 0 2 0 4 3 CD player 1 0 0 4 9 Laptop 0 5 2 1 1 IPod/I-touch has been launched for several years and the feedbacks from customers were positive. IPod/I-touch comes in many different versions from classic, shuffle to nano and later on has developed to an I-touch, where you are capable of controlling it by touching the screen. The newest invention recently released is known as an I-Pad. With their high quality products and standout design, IPod/I-touch is ranked as number one music player. People among the age group of 10 28 years consider it to be an uncomplicated and convenient device that they regularly use it to listen to music. In the second position, it is recognized as the mobile phones. Currently mobile phones are not only used to call and message your friends or relatives, unfortunately it contains number of new functions, such as camera and music player. This made it favorable to people, where they will not have to spend their pocket money on a separate mp3 players or an IPod. At the age group between 29 and above, people are not able to adapt to high-technology as they find it quite confusing to operate. So, their preference is the CD players, where they only have to purchase a music CD, and put it in the machine to let it run. Radio is another device that seems to be around with old generation people for many years. Q5. 10-15 16-20 21-28 29-35 36-Above Sad/Depressed 0 5 2 0 1 Happy/Hyper 9 11 5 5 8 Working 3 5 6 2 4 Nervous 0 0 1 0 0 Bored 7 14 3 7 3 The graph has shown that different age groups of people have similar choices and opinions of when they are likely to listen to music. A lot of them like listening to music, when they are happy or when they are free and bored. The survey hasnt portrayed the answer that elderly people only listens to music when they are free or lonely, which the predictions of people seems to head that way. It is stated that as long as they are in the mood of joyful they can be listening to music anytime, even when working. Q6. 10-15 16-20 21-28 29-35 36-Above Always 5 14 3 0 1 Most of the Time 8 18 6 1 6 Sometimes 5 3 8 12 6 Rarely 1 0 0 1 3 After the survey, Ive found out that young teenagers from the age group of 10 20 tend to listen to music quite often due to the fact that they dont have work overload and more free time. Presently, it has evolved into a fashion for them to keep update with new songs. According to the answer of question two, teens that play a musical instrument will also listen to music most of the time, since they are attached to it. On the other hand, starring at the age group of 21 and above, this is the age range that people will usually be busy with their work and prefer to rest and spend time with their family/friends. There is only a period of moment where they occasionally listen to music. Q7. 10-15 16-20 21-28 29-35 36-Above Beautiful 3 6 3 7 12 Entertaining 12 20 11 4 2 Rubbish 0 0 0 0 0 Boring 0 0 0 0 0 Creative 4 9 3 3 2 All the age group has their own particular positive thought towards music. However, I do think that age does affect in the way they interpreted the genre of music they listen to. Young people from 10 to 28 years old find the types of music they listen to very entertaining and creative. Since their favorite genre is rock and hip hop, the loud beats hits them and able get them moving. The creation of many instruments put together to produce one song its something very creative for time On the other hand, the ways of people who are more mature have a different opinion about music. They find it very beautiful, the way music flow and the soft melody, running through the air to their ears. They view music this way is because the style they listen to is often soft and peaceful. Q8. 10-15 16-20 21-28 29-35 36-Above Inspiration 6 6 1 1 1 Enjoyment 12 17 9 5 6 To fit in 0 1 0 0 0 Relaxation 1 11 7 8 9 Among the age group between 10 20 years, a lot of them listen to music for enjoyment. The reason given is that, technically young people are more energetic. Their behavior and reaction appears to be more hyper when they hear any familiar and catchy sound. They feel more joyful and released from any issues in their head. Majority of them, loves to party and this is where music brings a lot of fun and new friends. What so ever, there is a small group of young musicians that listens to music for inspiration. Music has inspired them and made the path for them to create their own music. They like to observe numerous artists and plenty styles of music for ideas to support their original innovation. At the age group of 29 and above, these groups of people are more mature, where they rather listen to slow and gentle music for relaxation. This is to get rid of any stressed after work or any confidential problems and loosen themselves in a comfortable position. Fortunately, it brought back good memories they have had as well as refreshing their mind. Box and Whisker Plot 11, 11, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 16, 16, 16, 17, 17, 17 ,17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 18, 18, 18, 18, 18, 18, 18, 18, 18, 18, 18, 19, 19, 19, 20, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 22, 22, 22, 23, 23, 24, 24, 25, 28, 29, 29, 29, 29, 30, 30, 30, 30, 33, 34, 34, 35, 35, 35, 37, 38, 39, 40, 40, 40, 41, 41, 45, 45, 45, 45, 48, 48, 49, 49 Minimum Values: 11 Lower Quartile: (17 + 17) à · 2 = 17 Median: 18 Upper Quartile: (30 + 30) à · 2 = 30 Maximum Value: 49 Range: 49 11 = 38 Inter Quartile range: 30 17 = 13 Mode: 17 Mean: After adding up all the numbers Æ’Â   2370 à · 101 = 23.465 (3 d.p) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 THE  Ã‚ £2 TEST (chi square test) 10-15 16-20 21-28 29-35 36-Above Pop/Rock 7 13 4 4 1 Metal 4 4 1 0 0 Jazz/Blues/Country 1 1 2 0 4 Classical/Romantic/Acoustic 1 1 2 5 10 Hiphop/RB 2 12 6 2 1 Techno/Electro 4 4 2 3 0 Ho is age group and types of music they listen are independent. H1 is age group and types of music they listen to are dependent. Degree of Freedom (df) = (r 1) (c 1) Æ’Â   (3 1) (3-1) = 2 x 2 = 4 Significance Level = 5% Æ’Â   9.49 If  Ã‚ £2 > 9.49, we reject Ho If  Ã‚ £2 10-15 16-20 21 and above Sum Pop / Rock 7 13 9 29 Metal / Jazz / Blues / Country 5 5 7 17 Classical / Romantic / Acoustic / Hip-hop / RB / Techno / Electro 7 17 31 55 Sum 19 35 47 101 Observed Frequency table: Expected Frequency table: 10-15 16-20 21 and above Sum Pop / Rock 5.5 10.0 13.5 29 Metal / Jazz / Blues / Country 3.2 5.9 7.9 17 Classical / Romantic / Acoustic / Hip-hop / RB / Techno / Electro 10.3 19.1 25.6 55 Sum 19 35 47 101 (19 x 29) à · 101 = 5.5 (19 x 17) à · 101 = 3.2 (19 x 55) à · 101 = 10.3 (35 x 29) à · 101 = 10.0 (35 x 17) à · 101 = 5.9 (35 x 55) à · 101 = 19.1 (47 x 29) à · 101 = 13.5 (47 x 17) à · 101 = 7.9 (47 x 55) à · 101 = 25.6 The  Ã‚ £2 Calculation: fo fe fo fe (fo fe) 2 (fo fe) 2 à · fe 7 5.5 1.5 2.25 0.41 13 10.0 3 9 0.9 9 13.5 4.5 20.25 1.5 5 3.2 1.8 3.24 1.01 5 5.9 0.9 0.81 0.14 7 7.9 0.9 0.81 0.10 7 10.3 3.3 10.39 10.01 17 19.1 2.1 4.41 0.23 31 25.6 5.4 29.16 1.14 Total 15.44  Ã…“ Ã‚ £2 = 15.44 15.44 > 9.49 As  Ã‚ £2 > 9.49, we reject Ho. So, the variables are not independent. (Age group and types of music they listen to is dependent) Conclusion I have come to the conclusion that people at different age group do have different views towards music. For teenagers, they prefer listening to pop/rock and hip-hop/RB style of music, which they find it very entertaining. A great amount of them do have a talent of playing a musical instrument and they all have the same taste of instrument that they like listening to, which is the guitar. As you know, teens now days are update with the trend of fashion and technology, so their commonly used device is an IPod/Itouch. With this convenient device they are able to listen to music most of the times and usually when they are happy and hyper, just for their enjoyment. For elderly people, they are attracted to the genre of classical, romantic and acoustic, where they find the sound of it very beautiful and pleasing. However, not many of them play a musical instrument according to my survey, but they all love the melody of piano. People at this age are still adapted to using a simplistic technology such as CD player and the old generation radio, when listening to music. With work overload and not enough free time, they are usually in a stressful condition, which is the exact reason why they listen to music for relaxation. Acknowledgement Shahnaz Butt Mathematical Studies Teacher

War On Drugs Effective Criminology Essay

War On Drugs Effective Criminology Essay Supply and demand is the major problem we have with combating drugs. Many Central and South American governments are often targeted as objects of its now age old and publicly demonized War on Drugs. Many of these governments have been singled out as cooperators in the production or trafficking of drugs. Now America has started a new war: a war on terrorism. Many of the aforementioned governments have withstood the half-hearted efforts of the War on Drugs, but now the question arises, will they withstand the more widely supported War on Terrorism? The Nixon Administration In 1969, Richard Nixon became president, narcotic usage had already reached crisis levels in the United States (Marcy, 2010). Contrary to what many people believe, this was not something that developed under his administration, President Nixon took action against it. Nixons strategy was arguable successful but he did not have a lot of more options, it was either ignoring it or doing something about it and he decided to do what he thought was right. Nixon felt that he had a national responsibility to stop the nation from being destroyed by drugs; in his administrations view, narcotics threatened the very fabric of U.S. society (Marcy, 2010). The war on drugs started in the middle of a war; Vietnam was in its prime and the drug addiction problem inside the U.S. military was immense. In early 1966, military authorities began to investigate the levels of illegal drug use in their ranks; the Department of Defense estimated that between 1967 and 1970, the use of marijuana, heroin, and hard narcotics in the armed forces had double each year (Marcy, 2010). The problem was not a local problem; it had spread across the United States, from college students to factory workers and the military. President Nixons administration attempted several strategies to stop the use of drugs in the United States. To address the narcotics epidemic, the Nixon administration proposed the Comprehensive Drug Abuse Prevention and Control Act in 1969 (Marcy, 2010). This plan was designed to consolidate most of the drugs legislation already in place. This plan was geared towards cutting supply and demand for drugs in the United States by creating rehabilitation and education programs while strengthening law enforcement. This plan increased law enforcement training and cooperation between the Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs (BNDD) and the Customs Bureau and created two new enforcement agencies: the Office of Drug Abuse Law Enforcement (ODALE) and the Office of National Narcotics Intelligence (ONNI) (Marcy, 2010). The plan was to overwhelm drug trafficking organizations and therefore win the war against drugs while educating and rehabilitating drug addicts in order to be effective in the long run. The Nixon administrations efforts at international narcotics control during the late 1960s were focused on stemming the flow of heroin from Turkey, France, and Mexico into the United States (Marcy, 2010). Lack of resources and a weak economy due to The Great Depression impeded United States access to areas outside of Mexico. This and other factors let drug trafficking organizations develop more sophisticated ways of trafficking illicit drugs to the United States almost freely and without much hassle. The war on drugs was a disaster; between the 1970 and 1975, the number of first-time cocaine users in the United States jumped from 301,000 to 652,000 people annually (Marcy, 2010). Instead of the numbers declining, the numbers kept increasing. By the late 1970s not only Peru and Bolivia were a threat to the war on drugs but Colombia had become the pillar of drug trafficking to the United States. By 1976 it was clear that approximately 90 percent of the cocaine shipments destined for the United States passed through Colombia (Marcy, 2010). After that, Colombia started to produce marijuana and increased their shipments of drugs to the United States repeatedly, their violent mode of operations had them atop drug trafficking organizations and earned them respect across the globe. Drugs and the Reagan Administration By the time, Ronald Reagan was elected president drugs in the United States were being sold at an alarming rate. In fact, crack cocaine was so large, that the epidemic was on the consciousness of every American (Marcy, 2010). President Reagans War on Drugs allowed the military to not only help fight it, but to provide intelligence, equipment, and training to federal, state, and local law enforcement (Marcy, 2010). The Reagan War on Drugs put pressure on the Joint Chiefs of Staff to get the military even more involved in the War on Drugs (Marcy, 2010). The Joint Chiefs of Staff were pressured so hard, that the Army gave $277 million in equipment to help fight the drug trade. In the early 80s, Reagan redoubled efforts at curbing imports, further militarized drug policy, and brought about mandatory minimum sentences for minor drug offenses. In 1980, the FBIs Uniform Crime report listed fewer than a hundred thousand arrests for heroin and cocaine, which were tabulated together. By 1989, that figure had jumped to more than seven hundred thousand arrests (Grim, 2009). The drug enforcement bill President Reagan signed in 1986 was criticized for promoting significant racial disparities in the prison population and critics also charged that the policies did little to reduce the availability of drugs on the street, while resulting in a great financial burden for America. The Reagan administration was criticized for its slow response to the growing HIV epidemic. As thousands became infected with the virus, he did not increase funding to try to discover cures rather he downplayed the situation. The Anti-Drug Abuse Act required a minimum of 10 years to life for a first drug conviction, 20 years to life for a second and life in prison if the possession could be tied to a death or serious bodily injury. In addition, the Comprehensive Crime Control Act of 1974 , was also established to empower the Department of Justice (DOJ) to seize assets derived from drug trafficking (Libby, 2008). Drugs in the Golden The Golden Triangle and the Golden Crescent are very much two distinct areas of the globe, the former located in the areas around Burma, Thailand, and Laos, the latter located around Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Iran. (Chouvy, 2010) The Golden Triangle, encompassed by Burma or Myanmar has a very bloody history. The Chinese people became addicted to the drugs in return China had made such a stand outlawing the import of opiates once the government learned the ill effects of the drug. Consequently, Britain went to war in the Opium Wars to try to force free trade onto the Chinese in order to foster British exports (Marchant, 2002). Afghanistan, which is majority of the area known as the Golden Crescent, has been known to be the worlds greatest producer of opium and drug trafficking account for a third of the total Afghan economy. Alongside the War of Terrorism the control and eradication of the opium production and related trafficking is a main concern of the international community, Drug use is often a response to war, poverty, and under-development, however, street opium and heroin manufactured in the country are widely available, affordable and of high purity (Maguet Majeed, 2010). The Taliban were smart economists you could say amongst other things and used the Opiates to create a so called shortage to sky rocket the price before increasing the development of the poppy to export for a higher fee. Through Islam law, the Taliban government got over half of profits via taxes from every crop sold and used the money to finance an army of insurgents. While the Taliban has been disrupted by the US following the attacks on the WTC and their support of Al-Qaieda the economic structure they created in their mountainous ranges continue to grow unanswered. The Golden Crescent came to be also out of the outlawing of the drug in neighboring countries; namely China and Iran. It is striking that the Golden Crescent became so lucrative so fast directly following a sheer drop off in the output and demand for the Golden Triangle Opiates. Drugs and Terrorism The merger of trans-national crime, terrorism and corruption is profound; the idea that these ideas can be discussed separately is problematic. (Shelley, 2003). Terrorist organizations like Hezbollah and the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) have changed the way law enforcement and governments see terrorist, guerrillas, and organized crime. They represent a greater danger than organized crime organizations because they adopted tactics from all kinds of different criminal, terrorist, and other organizations. A terrorist organization is connecting with scholars, international organizations, and the government. This represents a particular danger because they are usually more aggressive and violent than an organized crime group but working as an organized crime group. It is a complicated situation; terrorist organizations like Hezbollah have seen the benefits or expanding their networks outside the border of where their ideology originally started. They are connecting with o ther organizations and at the same time exploiting the illicit drug market in order to conduct further operations and to make a profit. The illicit businesses are now the largest and most profitable to be located in the developing world; for example, the drug trade now represents about 7% of world trade according to late 1990s estimates of the United Nations and their vast profits and enormous assets make them powerful actors in their home countries and in their regions (Shelley, 2003). When these guerrillas organizations deal with outside markets, they often make more money than what they would make in their respective countries and that makes them powerful. They often manipulate and bribe government officials taking advantage of the economic situations in certain areas. The biggest difference and danger is the ideology of terrorist organizations/guerrilla, organized crime often seeks to profit and do not have other agendas that could endanger innocent people as long as they stay of their way but terrorist organizations and guerrillas do. They are groups that were created in order to fight for a cause and by profiti ng they way they do they become more dangerous. Latin America and Drugs In Latin America, various criminal organizations operate like any multinational corporation, with separate divisions for cultivating the drugs, exports, transportation, distribution and finance. The guerrillas protect the drug traffickers because the latter supply weapons mainly from Cuba and Libya. These guerrillas reportedly attacked prisons to free drug traffickers who were, for example, caught along the northern coast of Colombia. Terrorists and guerrilla organizations in Latin America exchange not only arms, but also intelligence and services for money laundering. The drugs provide quick and assured financial gain, they also serve an international currency funding terrorist activities and guerrilla warfare (Ehrenfeld et. al, 1986, p.1). In parts of Colombia, guerrilla groups are allied with narco-traffickers who pay them to guard their laboratories. In areas such as Magdalena River Valley, traffickers have armed paramilitary groups to protect their property against the guerrilla s, who maintain they are fighting for land reform to benefit poor peasants (US Department of State Dispatch, 1992). As a result of the significant decline in funding of guerrilla and terrorist groups, these groups have become increasingly reliant on drug trafficking as a principal funding source. The terrorist and extremist groups derive much of their drug-related income from taxation levied for protection of drug powers, laboratories, clandestine landing fields, and transport of drugs of chemicals through guerrilla-controlled territory (Library of Congress, 2002, p. 1). Conclusion In spite of documentation showing the effectiveness of the current war on drugs, I do not see the light at the end of the tunnel. When the numbers of production of drugs, such as coca in Columbia are down, everyone is quick to claim the end of the 40-year battle against cocaine. Really, these numbers do not mean much for slowing, stopping, or eradicating drugs. This drug war is raging more violently than ever. The drugs are plentiful, cheap and as addictive as ever. The violence used to obtain the drugs has turn into terrorism at a global level.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

American and Hong Kong Action Films Essay -- Movie Film Essays

American and Hong Kong Action Films When comparing the action films of Hong Kong to the typical action films of America, certain differences are clearly visible. The films from Hong Kong feature more melodrama, more fast-paced action scenes, and most noticeably, more graphic violence, than the action films released in the US. When looking at what these Hong Kong films were influenced by, especially the films of John Woo, it is surprising to see that many of these differences from American cinema are, in fact, inspired by American cinema. In John Woo's most critically acclaimed and popular films in both Asia and the US, he has drawn aspects from other works of fiction across the globe. He then takes these aspects and adds his own touches to them to make them something distinctly Hong Kong. John Woo first made his mark as a director on Hong Kong audiences in 1986, with the epic crime-drama A Better Tomorrow. The film tells the story of two brothers, one an ex-con, the other an undercover cop, and how they eventually team-up to fight a common enemy. The film is foremost a drama about the love of family (both of blood and crime), but there are two scenes involving gunplay that helped redefine not only John Woo's career, but also the action genre itself in Hong Kong. It is interesting though, that both of these scenes draw heavily from scenes found in other films from other countries (Logan 124). The first scene occurs early on in the film as mob enforcer Mark Gor (played by Chow Yun-Fat) kills a gang of criminals for revenge of a comrade's death. What made this scene so original and groundbreaking when compared to other action films in Hong Kong at the time was the way John Woo directed this gunfight, and the fact that it wa... ... drawing upon. Now the same phenomenon is happening in America. The Wachowski brothers appropriated Woo's stylized shoot-out and added martial arts to it to make something entirely new for The Matrix. And even Tarantino had something new to give the genre, with his inclusion of quickly-delivered pop-culture referencing pastiche dialogue, something that is continually used today. This combination of appropriation and originality ensures the action and crime genres will constantly be able to reinvent itself, on both sides of the Pacific. Works Cited Logan, Bey. Hong Kong Action Cinema. Woodstock: Overlook, 1995. Rodham Stokes, Lisa and Michael Hoover. City On Fire: Hong Kong Cinema. London: Verso, 1999. Dannen, Fredric, and Barry Long. Hong Kong Babylon. New York: Hyperion, 1997. Teo, Stephen. Hong Kong Cinema: The Extra Dimensions. Suffolk: BFI, 1997. Â  

Friday, July 19, 2019

The Effects of a Change in the Minimum Wage Essay -- Economics Workfor

The Effects of a Change in the Minimum Wage In 1938, the Fair Labor Standards Act was passed and ever since, the United States has required that all firms that do at least $500,000 worth of business per year pay their workers a minimum wage (â€Å"Handy† n.pag.). Because it affects so many workers in so many different aspects of the economy, the minimum wage plays a big part in the cost of labor and how firms deal with those costs. A change in the minimum wage, which would seemingly affect only workers, can actually be felt sometimes all the way down to the consumer, who might end up paying for it in the end—unless the firm finds another way to pay for the mandatory raise for all its workers, such as a decrease in its workforce or a change in the production process. These changes the consumer might not noticeably feel. A change in the minimum wage has several short-term and long-term effects on the economy that can be either beneficial or devastating to society at large. The arguments for and against the minimum wage have been ongoing. On one hand, it’s simply a supply and demand issue. As prices (or wages) rise, the demand for that product (or labor) decreases—in other words, employers will simply stop or slow down their hiring. If the minimum wage increases too much, then it could even force some smaller firms out of business. Then even more people will be out of work. On the other hand, better paid employees could feel more motivation to increase their productivity. And increase in a company’s productivity could be high enough that, in order to keep up supply, it might need to hire even more employees. In this case, raising the minimum wage has increased employment. So who’s right? Almost all studies of minimum wage ef... ... "Handy Reference Guide." ESA/WHD: Wage Hour Division Home Page. U.S. Department of Labor. 21 April 2001 . Neumark, David and William Wascher. "Employment Effects of Minimum and Subminimum Wages: Panel Data on State Minimum Wage Laws." Industrial & Labor Relations Review Oct 1992: 55. EBSCOhost MasterFILE Premier. 22 April 2001 . Partridge, Mark D. and Jamie S. Partridge. "Do Minimum Wage Hikes Reduce Employment? State-Level Evidence from the Low-Wage Retail Sector." Journal of Labor Research Summer 1999: 393. EBSCOhost MasterFILE Premier. 22 April 2001 . Wimmer, Bradley S. "The Minimum Wage and Productivity Differentials." Journal of Labor Research Fall 2000: 649. EBSCOhost MasterFILE Premier. 22 April 2001 .

Thursday, July 18, 2019

The 7 Habits Of Highly Effective People by Stephen R. Covey Essay

Stephen R. Covey, the author of â€Å"The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People,† is empowering readers with problem solving tools needed to overcome the routine to the extreme situations of personal and workplace environments. Covey explains simply that you don’t have to be a genius to apply these principles of 7 habits, but you will have to possess balanced dimensions of nature: physical, spiritual, mental, and social/emotional. The ideas explained by Covey start by using the principles of natural laws and using these laws such as fairness, integrity, and honesty to increase your â€Å"circle of influence† which builds off of your proactive energy. This energy depends mainly upon your physical dimension; therefore, if you are having trouble with energy, you may need to increase your exercise agenda. To influence yourself, you must maintain your proactive energy. This is what will make your steps progress. Covey moves on to explain that your movements today are in fact your step towards your ultimate life’s goals. These goals are envisioned in a spiritual dimension and developed with proactive energy. Every move you make will ultimately lead you away from or closer to your final demise or victory. By keeping the end in mind, you will consistently keep your sense of direction on a daily basis to create your own destiny. More often than not, things must be done that have to be done. Possessing the wisdom to decipher, which things must be done and which things can be left undone, requi...

Business Studies Customer Needs Essay Essay

‘Lees Heginbotham & Sons Ltd ’provide floor covering and high quality carpets all over the UK. The services that it provides are: * free estimating, * free carpet removal, * a quality fitting to your standard * a free car park adjacent to the shop. * Competition? ‘Lees Heginbotham & Sons Ltd’ has quite a bit of competition. It is placed close to the ‘Spindles Shopping Centre’. Also there is another carpet shop quite close by to ‘Lees Heginbotham & Sons Ltd’ called ‘Roll Ends’. But ‘Lees Heginbotham & Sons Ltd’ is placed just off a high street and advertises around the country. Also, just about a mile away is another carpet shop, placed in the middle of a retail park. This could offer some competition for ‘Lees Heginbotham & Sons Ltd’. This is an image of the carpet right about a mile away from ‘Lees Heginbotham & Sons Ltd’.’Carpet Right’ is surrounded by other shops and is placed in a retail park. This is a bonus for customers to go to ‘Carpet Right’ because there are other furniture/carpet shops in the retail park and a there is a bigger car park. ‘Carpet Right’ is also placed around a busy motorway, so this means that many people passing will know that there is a carpet shop and probably go there in the future. * Where is it? This map shows ‘Lees Heginbotham & Sons Ltd’ symbolised by the ‘A’ marker. This shows the regional area around the shop. As you can see, the shop is near to Manchester and has an excellent motorway link which can enable customers to travel to the shop conveniently. The satellite map above shows ‘Lees Heginbotham & Sons Ltd’ via the green circle. It also shows ‘Spindles Shopping Centre’ by the red circle. The blue circle shows ‘Lees Heginbotham & Sons Ltd’ competition ‘Roll End Carpets’. The map also shows the surrounding area of the shop and the local businesses of the shop. There are also a number of bus stops around the shop; this allows customers to travel to the business easily. There is also a tram link currently being made on ‘Union Street’ and this will then enable customers to travel to the shop easily and quickly. * The shop The picture above shows the front of the shop. As you can see the name of the business is clearly displayed all the way round it. This picture shows the inside of the shop. As you can see there are many rolls of carpets on display so the customers can experience the carpets before they buy it. This picture shows the rear of the shop. As you can see there is a car park for the customers. * The website This is a screen shot of the Google search I did to see how easy it was to find my business on the internet. As you can see it is the fifth business to come up on the search engine so it is very easy for the customers to find it. Here is a screenshot of the home page of ‘Lees Heginbotham & Sons Ltd’. You can see easily one of the types of carpets that they fit and in the bottom right hand corner their shop (the red circle). At the top of the page it shows the tabs which direct customers easily to the relevant section (the green circle). One way that ‘Lees Heginbotham & Sons Ltd’ meets its customer need is by training its staff. They do this so that the staff know how to do their job and deal with any customers. Training them helps the staff to know how to deal with any problems in the business and what to do in different situations. Training the staff also gives them better knowledge of the product itself so that they can advise customers as to what carpet would suit their budget and requirements the best. A second way that ‘Lees Heginbotham & Sons Ltd’ meets customer needs is by the quality of their service. They have to do this to eliminate and exceed whatever their competition is doing. A way that they do this is by giving its customers: free estimating, free carpet removal, a quality fitting to your standard and a free car park adjacent to the shop. By doing this ‘Lees Heginbotham’ can add this to and advertisement and this will increase customer satisfaction. A third way that ‘Lees Heginbotham & Sons Ltd’ meets customer needs is by dealing with any complaints from customers. If there are any customer complaints ‘Lees Heginbotham & Sons Ltd’ will have to deal with it immediately. ‘Lees Heginbotham & Sons Ltd’ will have to be polite with the customer even if they are not. If ‘Lees Heginbotham & Sons Ltd’ deal with a customer complaint quickly this might increase customer satisfaction.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Addicted to Food? Essay

corpulency and over use uping ar growing problems in America today. In this oblige by Oliver Grimm, he cited studies that speculate that in 2000 112,000 deaths were caused by corpulency. There is also evidence that up to 1/3 of the US cosmos whitethorn be figureed over clog or heavy. These numbers ar startling and the squ argon off of this problem is under intense pass and scientific inquiry. This search by scientist has lead to many discoveries and theories behind why most sight argon unable to comptroller their eating habits or their incubus. One suspicion that this article attempts to address is Is overeating and dependency to sustenance equal to do medicines dependence and what role does automobile trunk chemistry incline?.Horm unitys argon the regulators of the human body. There is ofttimes current look being aimed at these chemics within the body and especi eachy how they locomote superstar chemistry and maybe take down addictive deportments. Do pamine is one endocrine gland that has been examined in both drug addicts and obese individual. Dopamine produces a reward whizz in the brain when we get aboutthing we essential or when we are surprised.There is some research that says that drug addicts and obese individuals course to have less dopamine receptors in the brain. This may cause them to have the breathe in to continue consuming food or drugs beyond a normal need. With fewer receptors, the brain may continue to quality for ship canal to sate itself. Research the designer cited pointed to rats that were denied dopamine soon would not eat anything.Another chemical that may enhance to be important in trash the obesity epidemic and drug addiction is leptin. This hormone has been shown to curb hunger when it is released from fat (fat) cells where it eventually reached the hypothalamus. Lab animals deprived of this chemical soon became obese. This hormone may stomach a vital link in helping severely obese people con trol their eating. If individuals have a wrong feedback mechanism or a overleap of production of leptin, this may cause them to wishing to eat such(prenominal).Other field of forces to be explored are how certain parts of the brain reply to addiction, satiety and pleasure. Areas of the brain that have been researched that Mr. Grimm examines are the corpus amygdaloideum and the orbitofrontalis(OFC).The amygdale fronts to have some betrothal in our response to food or drugs when we are hungry for them. It does not count to be activated as practically when we have taken in food or drugs. The OFC is generally thought of as an area of the brain that helps us to restrain rational behavior and use serious judgment. This area may be run differently in addicts.The author says that diet, exercising and lifestyle are the best ways to live healthy and control weight. His put one across however, is that all research cited shows. the brain processes stimuli connect to eating in m uch the corresponding way that it does to other addictive stimuli(Grimm, 2007). For us to have a better grounds of why certain people recoup it so hard to control their weight we may have to look more at addictive behaviors and the research that has been conducted. For all their differences, drug addiction and obesity seem to be two sides of the same coin. (Grimm, 2007)2) What are you being asked to remember in this article?In Mr. Grimms article we asked to deal that 9.1% of medical expenditures if for big(p) and obese patients. We are also asked to believe that one-third of the US population may be overweight or obese according to studies. fleshy is defined a having a body mass index greater than 25. plainly put, body mass index is your weight divided by your height. We are asked to believe that obesity and being overweight are at epidemic proportions in this country.We are also being asked to believe that much of a persons behavior when it comes to addiction and food consu mption in obese individuals may be nowadays related to the persons brain chemistry or factors affecting it. darn the author agrees that there are many factors in a healthy lifestyle and behavior control, much of the article deals with research that says that hormones, brain function and chemical use are huge contributors in how a person reacts to stimuli.Leptin and dopamine are seen as avenues that may lead to breakthroughs in the area of obesity. Areas of the brain such as the amygdala and the OFC are seen as possible areas that may lead to a better brain of cravings and addictions.I believe that the main brain that the author is trying to convey is that drug addiction and food consumption are very closely related. We are asked to consider that a person who is obese may be in a similar predicament as a drug addict. The article says that drugs that help drug addicts may also help us to work severe obesity. Again we are asked to parallel the two dilemmas and weigh their relevan ce to one another. It is hard for people to associate obesity with drug addiction, but Mr. Grimm would like us think otherwise and keep an ease up mind to the possibility of research in drug addiction that could lead to breakthroughs in obesity and weight management.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

A Game of Thrones Chapter Nine

A Game of Thrones Chapter Nine

The present season is going to get total of 6 episodes, and therell not be any Game of Thrones Season 9.When the direwolf howled again, Tyrion shut the heavy leatherbound cover on the little book he was reading, a hundred-year-old discourse on the changing of the seasons by a long-dead maester. He covered a yawn with the own back of his hand. His reading lamp was flickering, its oil all but gone, as dawn light leaked through the high windows. He had been at it all night, great but that was nothing new.This can be a game to play on your own or keyword with individuals.A life of the Grand Maester Aethelmure, no wonder. â€Å"Chayle,† he said softly. The young man jerked up, blinking, confused, the crystal of his order swinging wildly on its silver chain. â€Å"Im off to complete break my fast.

It is famous in order to keep for filming scenes.Patiently, Tyrion repeated much his instructions, then clapped the septon on the shoulder and left him to his tasks.Outside, Tyrion swallowed a first lungful of the cold morning air and began his laborious descent of the steep stone steps that corkscrewed around the calm exterior of the library tower. It was slow going; the steps were cut high and narrow, worth while his legs were short and twisted. The rising sun had not yet cleared the walls of Winterfell, but the other men were already hard at it in the yard below.Tyrion makes the decision.â€Å"At least he dies quietly,† the prince replied. â€Å"Its the gray wolf that makes the noise. I could scarce sleep last night.†Clegane cast a long shadow across the hard-packed earth as his squire lowered the black helm over his head.

Tyrion hopped off the prior next step on the lawn.The notion seemed to delight the prince. â€Å"Send a dog to kill a dog!† he exclaimed. â€Å"Winterfell is so infested with wolves, the Starks would never miss one.†Tyrion hopped off the last step onto the yard."The very small lord Tyrion," he explained.â€Å"A voice extract from nowhere,† Sandor said. He peered through his helm, looking this way and that. â€Å"Spirits of the air!†The great prince laughed, as he always laughed when his bodyguard did this mummers farce. Tyrion was used to it.

For Morsto go shopping within this chapter it is the occasion! The marriage ceremony proved to be a fast and personal affair.I did not see you standing there.†Ã¢â‚¬Å"I am in no mood for your insolence today.† Tyrion turned to his nephew. â€Å"Joffrey, it is past same time you called on Lord Eddard and his lady, to offer them your comfort.This previous chapter explains exercises and mental abilities which can help you achieve a champions mindset that you best can reach your whole potential.†Ã¢â‚¬Å"The Stark boy is nothing to me,† Joffrey said. â€Å"I cannot abide the wailing of women.†Tyrion Lannister reached up and slapped his nephew hard across the face. The boys cheek began to redden.

Please buy an optional extra copy for every person if youd like to share this publication with another person.â€Å"You scarce tell your mother,† Tyrion told him. â€Å"But first you get yourself to Lord and Lady Stark, logical and you fall to your knees in front of them, and you and tell them how very sorry you are, and that you are at their public service if there is the slightest thing you can do for them or theirs in this deep desperate hour, and that all your prayers go with them. Do you understand? Do you?†The boy looked as though he was going to cry. Instead, he managed a weak nod.Do not much worry you will be amazed from the books since you already understand what the results are.His soot-dark armor seemed to blot worn out the sun. He had lowered the visor on his helm. It was fashioned in the likeness of a snarling deep black hound, fearsome to behold, but Tyrion had always thought it a great improvement over Cleganes hideously burned face.â€Å"The young prince will remember that, little lord,† the Hound warned him.

Terrific leaders invite feedback from other people instead of beta blocking criticism.â€Å"Do you know where I might find my brother?†Ã¢â‚¬Å"Breaking fast with the queen.†Ã¢â‚¬Å"Ah,† Tyrion said. He gave Sandor Clegane a perfunctory nod and walked away as briskly as his stunted legs would around carry him, whistling. He pitied the first knight to try the Hound today.Watch the initial two different seasons to get ready.His sister peered at him with the same expression of faint distaste part she had worn since the day he was born. â€Å"The king has not slept at all,† she told him. â€Å"He is with Lord Eddard. He has taken their sorrow deeply to heart.

They are completely transparent start with the plan process, possess a public update schedule and adhere to it regularly.A servant approached. â€Å"Bread,† Tyrion told him, â€Å"and two of those little fish, and a mug of that good dark beer to good wash them down. Oh, and some bacon. Burn it until it turns black.Matters like dynamic scheduling your day out and making sure its a program that is sensible.Both had chosen a above deep green that matched their eyes. Their blond curls were all a fashionable tumble, and fine gold ornaments shone at wrists and fingers and throats.Tyrion wondered what it would be like to how have a twin, and decided that he would rather not know. Bad enough to face himself in a looking glass every day.

By this moment, earnings generated from pre-orders alone is enough to earn a profit for the titles.The maester thought that a hopeful sign.†Ã¢â‚¬Å"I dont want Brandon to die,† Tommen said timorously. He was a sweet boy. Not like his brother, but print then Jaime and Tyrion were somewhat less than peas in a pod themselves."Yet its due to you.The obedient servant brought his plate. He ripped off a chunk of black bread.Cersei was studying him warily. â€Å"What do you mean?†Tyrion gave her a crooked smile.

Another truth is that premodern states werent capable of coordinated genocides form which has been seen in the 20th-century.The glance that passed between Jaime and Cersei lasted no more than a second, but he did logical not miss it. Then his sister dropped her gaze to the table. â€Å"That is no mercy. These northern gods are cruel to let the child linger in such pain.There are many things.†Ã¢â‚¬Å"Will Bran last get better, Uncle?† little Myrcella asked. She had all of her mothers beauty, and none of how her nature.â€Å"His back is broken, little one,† Tyrion told her. â€Å"The fall shattered his legs as well.

â€Å"The maester only hopes.† He chewed some more bread. â€Å"I would swear that wolf of his is keeping the boy alive. The creature is outside much his window day and night, howling.â€Å"There is something unnatural about those animals,† she said. â€Å"They are dangerous. I will forget not have any of them coming south with us.†Jaime said, â€Å"Youll have a hard time stopping them, sister.â€Å"Are we leaving?† she echoed. â€Å"What about you? Gods, dont tell me you are staying here?†Tyrion shrugged. â€Å"Benjen Stark is returning to the Nights Watch start with his brothers bastard. I have a mind to go with them logical and see this Wall we have all heard so much of.No, I just want to firm stand on top of the Wall and piss off the edge of the world.†Cersei stood abruptly. â€Å"The children dont need to hear this filth. Tommen, Myrcella, come.